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Legal Diclaimer


Browsing data
The information systems and software procedures that allow the website (hereinafter the "Website") to function acquire personal data during normal use. The sending of this data is implicit in Internet communication protocols. This information is not collected in order to be connected to specific individuals but by its very nature, via processing and association with data held by third parties, could be used to identify users.

Included in this category are the IP addresses or domain names for the computers used to connect to the Website, the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) addresses of requested resources, the time of request, the method used to send a request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters relating to the user's operating system and IT environment. This data is collected with the sole purpose of extracting anonymous, statistical information on how the site is used and to ensure it functions correctly. Such data is cancelled immediately once it has been processed.

The data may also be used to ascertain responsibility in the event of cyber-crime.

Data provided voluntarily
The optional, express or voluntary sending of emails to the addresses provided on this site implies the acquisition of the sender's email address, which is necessary for replying to requests, as well as other personal data in the message.

Purpose of data processing
The personal data provided and/or communicated by users will be collected and processed for technical administration purposes. The personal data of users who request the sending of material or register for newsletters will be collected and processed for the purpose of performing the requested service or task. Such data may be used by Opesaxis srl (hereinafter Opesaxis) to carry out its everyday work and, more specifically, for the following purposes:

  • a) managing the user/client relationship;

  • b) carrying out its own business activity;

  • c) other purposes linked or connected to the company's business such as, by way of example: the improvement of the products and services offered, even if not strictly linked to the services requested by the data subject; market research on client satisfaction, whether directly or via appointed market research agencies, carried out via telephone, questionnaires or, occasionally, personal appointments.

Data will be collected and processed by Opesaxis employees and collaborators tasked with and responsible for data processing. Data may be collected and/or processed by trusted companies working on behalf of Opesaxis and carrying out the same technical and organizational tasks. These companies are direct collaborators of Opesaxis and take on the roll of data processor. The related list is constantly updated and is available upon request via the address given in the "Data Processor" section.

Data will not be communicated to third parties, transferred abroad or publicized.

Processing method
Data is processed using automated means for the length of time that is strictly necessary to achieve the purpose for which it was gathered.

Provision of data
Besides what has been specified regarding browsing data, the provision of data for other purposes is optional. Failure to provide such data may make it impossible to pursue such purposes. Processing purpose and scope of communication for personal data.

Rights of data subjects
At any time the data subject may cancel, anonymize, copy, update, correct, integrate or block data processed in violation of the law.

This privacy policy may be periodically modified. Use of collected information is subject to the privacy policy in force at the time of use.
This document, which is published on constitutes this Site's Privacy Policy and is subject to updating (various versions will be available at the same address).

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Legal Diclaimer
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